Treatment of human papilloma virus - effective ways

human papilloma virus

Human papilloma virus, the treatment of which we will discuss in this publication, is a very common disease. There are more carriers of this virus than people who are not affected by HPV. To date, several methods of treating this disease have been developed. They are conventionally divided into two groups: conservative and destructive methods of treatment.

Unfortunately, to date, it is not possible to completely destroy the human papilloma virus. Means and methods of modern medicine can only stop the development of the virus, remove the resulting papillomas and prevent the worsening of the disease, leading to the formation of new papillomas.

The human papilloma virus, having settled in the body, remains in it for a lifetime. When the immune system is weakened, it is activated, which results in a neoplasm on the skin.

Treatment of human papilloma virus by conservative methods

Conservative treatment of HPV consists of a series of measures aimed at strengthening the body's immune system and suppressing the development of the virus. In some cases, this is sufficient and the use of operative methods is not required.

Important:a positive result can only be achieved if the treatment is prescribed by a specialist. Self-medication is not possible in this case. The task of the doctor is to perform a medical examination of the patient with the further appointment of an individual course of therapy.

Interferon-based drugs are usually prescribed to treat human papillomavirus. This substance, which suppresses the development of the virus, is produced by the healthy body in sufficient quantities. But with the weakening of immunity it is necessary to increase the concentration of this substance in the blood. The drug is absorbed into the bloodstream, begins to act on the body.

Also, as part of the treatment of papillomas by conservative methods, in some cases the use of specific antiviral drugs is indicated.

In numerous cases, the use of special creams, gels and sprays has been shown to destroy the virus in local tissues. Under certain conditions, their use leads to necrosis of tissues affected by the virus, which allows to abandon the use of destructive methods of treatment.

Treatment of human papilloma virus by destructive methods

Destructive treatments aim to directly destroy the tissues affected by the virus. These methods can be roughly divided into two groups: chemical, physical.

Chemical methods of treating papillomas include removing tissues affected by the virus with chemicals. Today, several groups of drugs have been developed to remove papillomas in different areas.

There are several physical methods for removing papillomas. The most common methods are electrocoagulation, cryodestruction, radiosurgery, laser therapy.

Electrocoagulation involves the removal of papillomas using high-frequency electric current. This method has been used for a long time and has proven to be very effective. But there are drawbacks. First of all, these are painful sensations after surgery, which last for a long time.

Cryodestruction, also a widely used method of treating papillomas, gives the patient less discomfort. The method is based on freezing the affected tissues with liquid nitrogen. Healing of ulcers resulting from cryodestruction occurs within one to two weeks. At the same time, no marks remain on the skin.

This method is used exclusively to remove skin papillomas. If it is necessary to remove papillomas on the cervix, this method is not used due to its ineffectiveness in this case.

The most optimal method of treatment of human papilloma in terms of efficiency, painlessness and duration of the postoperative period is laser papilloma removal. The method is based on the use of a surgical laser.

The peculiarity of the method is that the laser immediately after removal of the affected tissues, seals the blood vessel, thus preventing the possibility of bleeding. This method does not cause any complications or scars. The recovery period lasts a month.

There is another modern method of papilloma removal - radiosurgery. This method is based on the use of special equipment that cuts off the damaged tissue by exposure to strong high-frequency radio waves.

Despite the successful use of the above modern methods in medicine, surgical removal of papillomas is still widely popular. Perhaps this is the most painful method that involves a long postoperative period. But in many cases the application of this special method has been shown. For example, surgical removal of a papilloma in the cervix is used in oncology.

Recovery period

Regardless of which method was used to remove the papilloma, a number of measures need to be followed after surgery. Includes heavy drinking, adherence to a frugal regime.

Also, comprehensive measures are needed to reduce the concentration of papilloma virus in the body. The administration of drugs that strengthen the immune system is usually prescribed for this purpose.

Remember that removing papillomas on the skin or mucous membranes does not remove the presence of this virus in the body. To avoid the re-formation of papillomas, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, visit the doctor regularly.