Papillomas on the face - a "headache" for cosmetologists

The face is the basis of a person's visual image, which to the greatest extent determines the beauty and attractiveness of both women and any representative of the stronger sex.

consultation with a doctor about papillomas

Improving the aesthetic condition of the facial skin, as well as maintaining youth, is an understandable desire of most people on the planet. One of the most unpleasant cosmetic defects that directly affects the visual component is papilloma on the face. Moreover, such a manifestation can be localized either directly on the epidermal structures or affect the mucous membrane of the lips and eyes, creating additional risks and dangers for its owner.

We will try to find answers to burning questions about how to remove papillomas from the face and especially what to do if a papilloma has formed on the eyelid.

Features and subtleties of papilloma localization on the face

The face can be affected by various types of papillomas, which will differ slightly in terms of visual characteristics:

  • Common papillomas- they look like small oval tubercles that rise above the surface of the healthy epidermis, and have a somewhat thinner handle and a spherical body. The consistency of such papillomas is defined as moderately dense. The color characteristics of common or vulgar papillomas can vary from light pink to brown;
  • Flat papillomas- have a flat, smoothed shape, which, it seems, should somewhat reduce the aesthetic damage of such neoplasms. However, flat papillomas often appear as multiple growths, which makes them even more noticeable than ordinary warts;
  • Condylomas- a rarer form of facial papilloma, which can appear in the mucous membrane area and look like a single spiky papilla or a multiple whitish or pink lobular structure.

As for localization, ordinary neoplasms can affect absolutely any part of the epidermis, manifesting as pathological growth of the basal layer, while condylomas are characteristic of the area of the eyelids, mouth and nose. At the same time, papilloma on the eye is considered one of the most difficult options for the location of the growth, which is explained not only by the aesthetic visibility of the defect, but also by the difficulty of removing such a neoplasm.

Reasons for the formation of papillomas on the face

Benign epidermal neoplasms, which in medicine are called papillomas, and are popularly called warts, are the only symptom of a patient's infection with the human papilloma virus, which, once in the blood and skin, usually goes into a long "hibernation" in anticipation of the weakening of the host's organism. It should be noted that the incubation period of the virus lasts from 1 to 6 months, but this does not mean that after that period the infected person will surely encounter papillomas.

The level of infection of the population with the papilloma virus is critically high and amounts to about 90% of all people on our planet. At the same time, you can get infected from a person who has never noticed the appearance of skin growths, but has been a carrier of the viral agent for a long time. The main mechanisms of HPV spread include the following ways of virus entry into the body:

  1. The contact route, which is reproduced when the skin of a healthy person and a carrier of the virus come into contact (for example, a handshake or a massage);
  2. The sexual route is the most aggressive and has no alternative, which is manifested by a 100% probability of transmitting the virus through unprotected contact and shows a 50% infection rate in the case of using mechanical contraception (condoms);
  3. Transmission of HPV from mother to child - this route is more typical for condylomas affecting the internal genital organs of a woman;
  4. Self-infection (autoinoculation) is the spread of viruses from infected areas to healthy tissue. Thus, papilloma on the eyelid most often occurs as a response to frequent touching, rubbing the eyes with hands;
  5. The household route is an indirect mechanism for transmitting the virus through common facilities or public rooms (bathrooms, saunas, gyms, swimming pools).

Visual manifestations, i. e. the formation of papillomas, are recorded as a result of the weakening of the body, which may be associated with reduced immunity, excessive work, non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene or worsening of a chronic disease.

Why are neoplasms on the face, and especially papillomas on the eyelid, dangerous?

In addition to unconditional aesthetic discomfort, papilloma on the face can be dangerous due to malignant degeneration, with the subsequent development of an oncological process. This reaction is particularly typical for condylomas localized on the mucous membrane.

Another risk associated with the presence of papillomas is the likelihood of mechanical injury to the skin growth, leading to heavy bleeding and possible infection of the wound surface. Also, such an outcome is full of scars and scars that do not decorate the face at all. This risk is especially high when the papilloma is localized on the face of men in the shaving area.

It is simply necessary to remove a papilloma on the upper eyelid, because such a growth can significantly hinder the blinking reflex and the natural hydration of the eyeball. In addition, papillomas on the eyelid can cause blurred vision and multiple ophthalmic pathologies.

How to remove papillomas from the eyelid and other areas of the face?

how to remove papillomas on the face

Removing papillomas on the face is a difficult task in cosmetology, dermatology and surgery, because the skin in this area is very sensitive and prone to scarring. This is especially true if it is necessary to get rid of papillomas on the eyelid. Due to this feature, most experts strongly recommend that you refrain from self-removal of papillomas on the face using pharmaceutical compounds and folk recipes, and contact a qualified specialist who will not only suggest the optimal method for tumor removal, but also determine measures aimed at strengthening the patient's immunity.

If the patient has the opportunity to independently choose a method of removing papillomas on the face, preference should be given to the least traumatic and at the same time the most effective method - laser destruction of skin growths. The laser will quickly and painlessly remove the papilloma without leaving a scar, and qualified specialists in a professional clinic will individually determine the necessary depth and area of exposure, based on the characteristics of the patient's problem.